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» ISO 29990 Page ID : WP707 | Last Updated 12 Mar, 2025, 04:57AM
+91 - 8793766061

What is ISO 29990 : 2010 ??

ISO 29990 : 2010 specifies requirements for providers of Learning services for non-formal education and training. ISO 29990 : 2010 is the first standard developed by ISO technical committee ISO/TC 232, Learning services for non-formal education and training. The objective of ISO 29990 : 2010 Standard is to provide a generic model for quality professional practice and performance, and a common reference for learning service providers (LSPs) and their clients in the design, development and delivery of non-formal education, training and development. This International Standard uses the term “learning services” rather than “training” in order to encourage a focus on the learner and the results of the process, and to emphasize the full range of options available for delivering learning services.

Learning Service Provider (LSP), Learning Service, Learner, Facilitator, Evaluation of Learning, Transfer of Learning, Award, Competency, Continuous Professional Development are few basic terms used in this standard. ISO 29990 : 2010 is basically subdivided into two areas: learning services and management at the learning service provider. This Standard is the first Standard for learning providers that is valid and applied on an international level. The ISO 29990 : 2010 Standard focuses on the competency of LSPs. It is intended to assist organizations and individuals to select an LSP who will meet the organization's needs and expectations for competency and capability development and can be used to certify LSPs.

ISO 29990 : 2010 Scope : 

ISO 29990 : 2010 Standard specifies basic requirements for providers of learning services in non-formal education and training.

In cases where the learning service provider is part of an organization that delivers products (goods and services) in addition to learning services, this International Standard only applies to the unit providing the learning services.

Examples of non-formal education and training could include vocational training, life-long learning and in-company training (either outsourced or in-house).

Benefits of Implementing an ISO 29990 : 2010 Program :

By implementing a ISO 29990 : 2010 program, we can eliminate costs that result from poor quality in terms of Education Service, wastage, and Customer Relations. Besides, there are other benefits associated with ISO 29990 : 2010 such as:

  • Customer Focus. 
  • Leadership & Involvement of People.
  • Process & System Approach to Management. 
  • Continual Improvement. 
  • Factual approach to decision making.

For more information, Kindly mail us on or Contact us at +91 – 8983890061 to get your organization ISO 29990 certified in the most effective and efficient manner while realizing the true benefits of the certification using our specialized ISO implementation methodology that is less time consuming, fast, easy to understand and implement, result oriented, time bound and cost effective.

Contact Us

  503, WING A/15, Planet Millennium, Pimple Saudagar, Pune–411027, Maharashtra, India.

+91 - 8983890061, 8793766061

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We are feeling proud to make this announcement that recently we provide our valuable Certification Services to 4 different units of one of the best organization of India in their field..

@ CMS India Pvt. Ltd.
@ FKL India Pvt. Ltd. has successfully got their QMS certificate. They are now ISO 9001:2008 Certified organization.
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@ Pagaria Advisory Pvt. Ltd has implemented Quality Management Systems inside their organization, & successfully got ISO 9001 Certificate.
@ Saisidha Sugar Equipments Pvt. Ltd. has got their ISO 9001 Certificate.
@ Kiran Public School has got their Certificate. Now they are also ISO 9001:2008 Certified.
@ Payal Foods & Beverages Pvt. Ltd. is now ISO 9001:2008 Certified. They got their certificate recently.
@ Koylanchal Public School has got their Certificate. Now they are also ISO 9001:2008 Certified.
@ Techno Jaya Jewellery Udyog has successfully got their QMS certificate.
@ Anurag Agarbatti Dhup Udyog is also now ISO Certified Organization.
@ Sameer Enterprises has got their Certificate. Now they are also ISO 9001:2008 Certified.
@ Chemion Engineering is now ISO Certified Organization.
@ Prayag Plastic Udyog got their ISO 9001 : 2008 Certificate.
@ Thunder Force PVT. LTD. has got their Certificate. Now they are also ISO 9001:2008 Certified.
@ Institute of Welding & NDT Technologies has got their Certificate. Now they are also ISO 9001:2008 Certified.
@ Persil Embroideries Pvt. Ltd. is now ISO Certified Organization. They got their ISO certificate after implementing QMS inside their Organization.
@ Wi-Fonic Technologies Pvt. Ltd. has got their Certificate. Now they are also ISO 9001:2008 Certified.
@ Techno Power & Electrical is now ISO 9001 Certified Organization.
@ Shri Yogi Raj Hospital has got ISO 9001 : 2008 Certificate after successfully implementation of QMS.
@ Converge Interiors Solutions Pvt. Ltd. is now ISO Certified.
@ ZKL Bearing has got their Certificate. Now they are also ISO 9001:2008 Certified.
@ Aspire Knowledge & Skills is now ISO 9001 Certified Organization.

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